Intentional travel for women

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
— Anais Nin

Hi, I’m Anna.

I support women on their journey of self-discovery through solo travel.

I firmly believe that every woman deserves the opportunity to discover her true self, to trust her instincts and to live authentically in harmony with her unique needs and dreams. To me, intentional travel and being part of a supportive community are invaluable ways to nurture this inner connection.

If you've found your way to my website, I sense you share this sentiment too.

Welcome! I'm grateful you're here.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

— Mary Oliver

Are you ready to make this year your time for change and empowerment by following your souls call to travel?

Can you imagine to break free from whatever’s been holding you back? To drop from your head space into your heart and trust your intuition?

Whether it’s a relaxing retreat, an exciting outdoor adventure or a journey around the world you’re dreaming of -
I'm here to help you follow your inner voice and step into your power.

My program is designed to meet your unique needs and dreams (not mine or anybody else’s).
And the best part: You won't need to handle any research – I'll take care of it all for you.

Unravel your thoughts. Find clarity. Step into your power and follow what feels good.

Discovery call

A free 20min call for us to get to know each other and see if we’re a good fit.

Transformative Travel Program

My 4 weeks signature program in which I help you unravel your thoughts, set intentions and create your unique travel journey.

You’ve found the right place if you relate to any of these:

You feel “stuck” in a life transition, like the end of a relationship, a life phase or a project coming to an end.

You are craving a change, a carrier break or simply a chance to step outside your comfort zone to discover what lies beneath the layers you've built up over the years.

You are dreaming of exploring new places, making meaningful connections and feeling truly alive.

You feel that itch to explore, that longing for something more.

You have lost track of all the times you started thinking about travelling solo, but stopped again because…

…you’re overwhelmed by the idea of planning it all alone and making the “wrong” decisions.
…you’ve been waiting for the “right” time, but it never seems to happen.
…you don’t even know where to start with all the options and information out there.
…you feel like you’re going in circles, unable to make any clear decisions
…you’re worried about what could go wrong.

It’s natural to have worries and doubts, to be unsure where to even begin. These moments of transition can be both challenging and liberating, offering an opportunity to refocus on yourself.

True courage is taking the next step your ego isn’t ready for and doing it anyway in the name of your highest evolution. Your ego will never be ready. You have to be wiser than the patterns within you.

If you're willing to take that first step, I'm here to help guide you along the way. Together, we can figure out what you really want to get out of this journey and how we can make it happen.